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2016 | University


UX and UI Design

Redesigning the Sydney Observatory experience for young adults

Research Contributors: Tommy Dinh, Rehaab Seyani

The Challenge

Museums have built up the reputation of being boring and pointless in young adults' minds. How can we break through this barrier and design an experience that will attract young adults to visit the Sydney Observatory?

The Big Idea

Reducing an overload of textual information and outdated interactive items into animated infographics and an augmented reality experience, the museum becomes a more appealing attraction to young adults. 


AR Artefacts

Approaching an exhibit will not only give you extra information, but also offer an opportunity to try out the object for yourself. This helps save space as well.


Info walls and AR games

The Sydney Observatory will no longer be crowded and uncomfortable. It will make visiting the museum worth it, rather than exploring online! 


Video for sharing

Young adults are all over social media. A video to keep will encourage free word-of-mouth advertising and help visitors preserve the memory.

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